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- Health Insurance Policy for caregivers
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Health Insurance Policy for caregivers
Health Insurance for Foreign Workers: Proper health insurance is of the utmost importance for the foreign worker, as without such insurance, the worker will not be covered for doctors’ visits and hospitalization, which can be very expensive |
Any person needing emergency medical care will receive it in Israeli hospitals unconditionally, but will be billed for the coverage if he lacks proper insurance. Employers of foreign workers are obligated to provide foreign workers with private medical insurance throughout the employment period. The employer must give the employee a summary of the insurance policy in a language the employee understands
If your insurance company refuses to cover certain conditions or treatments, you can appeal this decision. In many cases, this appeal must be filed within 21 days of receiving notice of refusal from the insurance company |
Cover for treatment anywhere in Israel | Contact Info MoreServices PO BOX 3660, Haifa 3103601, Israel Cell: + 972 54 4699314 Email: gilad-66@013.net.il |
The medical treatments covered by the Health lnsurance policy: The basic health insurance policy for foreign workers includes the following medical coverages: surgery, primary medicine, receiving medical records, visits to specialist physicians, visits to hospitals and emergency rooms, diagnostic tests, medical call center services, diagnosis, laboratory tests , Hospitalization, lung surgery, wheel chair, imaging tests, mantu examinations, surgeries, medical expenses not related to hospitalization, CT, dentistry (first aid), ambulance evacuation, women's health, disability insurance In cases of death, insurance in the event of death, etc. (in accordance with the sections specified in the policy)
There is no obligation to include in the policy treatments in the following areas: birth, psychological services, genetic testing, existing medical condition, hospitalization services or impotence treatments, fertility treatments and sexual dysfunction |
Our foreigners health insurance plan is intended to cover unexpected medical costs as a result of sudden accidents, mishaps, or sicknes |
Get more information about FOREIGN WORKERS' RIGHTS HANDBOOK | Published by the Population and Immigration Authority of the state of Israe
The need for medical
The need for medical insurance is wide spreaded among forgion communities in Israel .
Creating a healthy enviroment
Keeping your health in constant check will ensure happiness.
פרסום תגובה חדשה